Document 0134 DOCN M9470134 TI Selenium in the maintenance and therapy of HIV-infected patients. DT 9409 AU Schrauzer GN; Sacher J; University of California, San Diego, Department of Chemistry and; Biochemistry, La Jolla 92093. SO Chem Biol Interact. 1994 Jun;91(2-3):199-205. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/94251846 AB Due to its antiviral effects and its importance for all immunological functions, the administration of selenium is suggested as a supportive measure in early as well as in advanced stages of HIV-induced disease. Initial observations on the effects of selenium supplementation in HIV-infected patients indicate that selenium causes symptomatic improvements and possibly slows the course of the disease. As selenium inhibits reverse transcriptase activity in RNA-virus-infected animals, supplemental selenium could also prevent the replication of HIV and retard the development of AIDS in newly HIV-infected subjects. An adequate supply of selenium and of antioxidant vitamins is also proposed as a measure to reduce the probability of the placental transmission of HIV in pregnancy. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/DRUG THERAPY Antioxidants/THERAPEUTIC USE AIDS-Related Complex/DRUG THERAPY Female Human HIV/*DRUG EFFECTS HIV Infections/*DRUG THERAPY/IMMUNOLOGY/MICROBIOLOGY Male Pregnancy Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/DRUG THERAPY Reverse Transcriptase/ANTAGONISTS & INHIB Selenium/PHARMACOLOGY/*THERAPEUTIC USE Vitamins/THERAPEUTIC USE JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW REVIEW, TUTORIAL SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).